Residents Issues Question & Answer

Quick Question & Answer Q. I have been told I must purchase a pet license for my dog and the
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Blackpool Borough Council v Cargill [2013] – Borough wide apportionment upheld

stairwell in a managed, shared property

In this case the Tribunal held that the landlord was right to divide charges equally rather than trying to calculate
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Phillips v Francis – We wait with bated breath!

Bundle of legal papers

An oral hearing, in the court of appeal, has been granted in this highly controversial case. The hearing is due
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BDW Trading Ltd and another v South Anglia Housing Ltd [2013] EWHC – An agreement entered into before a building is let or constructed is not a qualifying long term agreement

Stairwell in a shared apartment block

In this case, the High Court held that a long term agreement which was entered into before the building was
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Retrospective effect can be given to the variation of leases

Courts of justice

The Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber) decided in the case of Brickfield Properties Ltd v Botten that the LVT should have
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Is ‘Default Judgment’ adequate in determining Service Charge arrears for the purposes of s.81 of the Housing Act 1996?
chace legal

An appeal, decided in the Central London County Court in the case of Church Commissioners for England v. (1) Koyale
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RTM does not extend to managing the shared estate facilities.
chace legal

Since its introduction by the Commonhold and Leasehold Reform Act 2002, many leaseholders have acquired the right to manage their
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