Budget 2013

Pair of glasses on desk

After suffering under the 2012 budget, the property sector was a surprise winner under this year’s budget. The main points
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Scales of justice

Baroness Hayter has successfully tabled an amendment in the House of Lords that would bring letting and management agents within
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The charging orders (orders for sale: financial thresholds) Regulations 2012

Management company official stamp

The above regulation is due to come into force on the 6th April and will set a minimum threshold for
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The enfranchisement and right to manage awards 2013

Sterling paper money and coinage

This year’s awards are being held at Quaglinos, 16 Bury Street, St James’s, London, SW1Y 6AJ on 6th June 2013.
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Daejan investments v Benson and others

S.20 Dispensation The Supreme Court decision has now been handed down in this much anticipated case. By a narrow majority,
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Is ‘Default Judgment’ adequate in determining Service Charge arrears for the purposes of s.81 of the Housing Act 1996?
chace legal

An appeal, decided in the Central London County Court in the case of Church Commissioners for England v. (1) Koyale
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RTM does not extend to managing the shared estate facilities.
chace legal

Since its introduction by the Commonhold and Leasehold Reform Act 2002, many leaseholders have acquired the right to manage their
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